10 December 2009

A little bit about me

I am Jenn a sahm to 3 cray kids ages 14, 10, and 2.5. I have learned to do things differently this time around. I am hoping for a different result this time around too. Maybe a child that listens to me? I know it may just be a dream, but I can hope can't I?

After 14 years of marriage I have learned a few things. Not many, just a few. I have learned when to listen and when to just pretend to listen. I have learned that you can't vent to a guy to just get something off your chest, they want to fix things and if you don't want to know what to do to make it better, call your girlfriends to vent. There are a few more things I have learned raising my kids. Such as... I don't want to know what my 14 yr old son is doing when he is in the shower for 25 minutes. He certainly isn't cleaning himself... that is evident by the fact that he hates showering and has to be told to do it on a regular basis. I also don't want to know what the offending smell is in my 10 yr old daughter's room.. I just want it to be cleaned and done with.

Which brings us to the insanity that made me think that a third child was a good idea. A child that would be the good one. The one that would reap the benefit of all that we have learned over the years of raising the other two. This one we would cloth diaper, I wore her in a sling and a carrier. She slept in her crib from day one and now refuses to sleep anywhere else. She gave up her bottle with no problems at exactly a year old. I am not going to stress out over pacifier use because I know that she isn't going to need it when she goes off to school. Potty training, well she will do it when she is ready, not when I decide I've had enough of changing diapers. We aren't going to spank her, because well that's not allowed these days. Time outs will be given for the appropriate times and we will learn from everything.

See, we watch Supernanny, so we know how things are supposed to be done. Right? I mean it easy. What's not easy is everything all at once. I have a toddler that is going to start potty training sometime in the next few months (we hope), I have the pre-teen and the teenager.